Friday, 7 April 2017

MOBE ~ Why I aligned myself with MOBE

This post explains why I aligned myself with MOBE, which stands for My Own Business Education

Before that its neccessary to understand this. Marketing online, through the affiliate marketing model, can either be easy or it can be hard,

The path you take depends on the affiliate marketing model you follow.

Now, when I started off way back in 2000, there was only one type of affilate marketing model.

Like most people, for many years, I followed the typical affiliate marketing path, which was joining several opportunities, which included traffic exchanges.

Over the course of those years, namely 2000 ~ 2006 I earned some money, but certainly not the type of income that the so called big name internet marketers  earn.

So in 2007, while still in employment, I started to promote a financial education product, which earned me a significant amount of money. Promoting this product then led me onto a system called magnetic sponsoring

Magnetic sponsoring showed exactly how to market online, using various different traffic methods

So applying these methods to the financial education product I was promoting, led me to earning enough money to quit my full time day job and move into full time online marketing, with the affiliate marketing model

The downside to this however, that both magnetic sponsoring and the financial education product, experienced changes of ownership and as a result both no longer exist!... A tale I am sure you can relate to somewhere in your online marketing experience, this in turn led to a reduction in income

Simply because I hadn’t done one simple thing, I had made a mistake so simple in truth and which most online affiliate marketers make, without even thinking about it

I hadn’t built my own list

So, I had to go back to the drawing board and start all over again, however this time I made sure I started with my own list. The Provider I chose to build that list with was Pure Leverage

So using that for my list building, I then started to follow a system called Your Eight Steps, which was built round Pure Leverage

Following this  system worked quite well and put people onto my list, earning me money in the process

However,on closer look at the Your Eight Steps system, it appeared that there wasn’t any commissions to be made on back end sales, whereas with Pure Leverage, there were.

Back End sales mean, you get paid commissions for product sales after you have made the initial front end sale.

Through emails received from Pure Leverage, they were highly recommending their

Facebook Fanpage System landing pages for building your list, as they were getting good optins

So I started using these pages to build my list and this worked much better, adding quite a lot of people to my list, through autopilot traffic generation using Clixgrid ads on Clixsense and also The Advert Platform

In turn this earned me income on a monthly basis

So, how does MOBE fit into this and why align myself with it, how will MOBE  help you

While I was earning a good income from Pure Leverage, my ambitions, much as yours will be, were to earn the sort of incomes that other  so called household names were earning online and appearing to be doing so very easily… which in turn makes you go Arggggg!!! How can they do it, Where am I going wrong?

It was at this point that two things happened to me

Firsty I decided to stop being ‘just an affiliate marketer and start my own membership site, as that appeared to be the way to go and earn a decently signficant income, secondly an associate of mine, contacted me having seen a blog of mine and asked

Have you heard of MOBE?

No whats that I asked?

He said rather than explain it to you, I’ll send you a link, because I think its right up your street

He duly sent the link, which I then looked at over the course of the next two days and boy…

Did I have a lightbulb moment

MOBE had everything that was required to really be successful online it had the...


Front end commissions

Back end commissions

Significant residual income

And best of all, it didn’t require you to go and speak with hundreds and hundreds of people just to earn a decent income online

Now at the time of this blog post, I have been aligned with MOBE for about a month and a half, the results have been totally different and so it is my plan to document the progress made with MOBE on this blog.

So you’ll get warts and all, unlike the gurus

Enjoy the blog and please feel free to connect with on any of the social networks shown on this blog

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