This post explains why I chose the Worldprofit system to promote MOBE
Having followed the 21 step system, it was very clear and apparent to me, that to succeed with MOBE you need to drive plenty of good quality targeted traffic to the sites the company provide you with.
That traffic also needs to be affordable and to provide you with a profit, if not from every customer, then the vast majority of them. The vast majority would be those that decided to take the upsells from the company, through the use of the sales team
Build a list
The other thing that was also clear, was that its crucial to build your own list, this isn't a surprise to me, but its crucial to do thzt. Building your own list requires high converting lead capture pages, which put leads onto your database.
So on looking at several lead systems, which included worldprofit, pureleverage, myleadsystempro, your eight steps, click funnels and optimisepress to name but a few of them and evaluating each, it was very obvious that there was only ever going to be one winner
That winner was Worldprofit. The reason for that is this. Like MOBE, WP is a turnkey marketing system, which as defined by the 21 steps system, to be a true business, it needs to operate independently of you, once its set up.
Put another way, it should allow you to work ON your business, not IN your business
Worldprofit passed that test
The system needed to have quality traffic sources, which provide access to a wide range of advertising sources, all of which had to be my customer avatar, or in english, my ideal customer
Worldprofit passed that test
It had to have both bigh converting pre buit, as well as the ability to make custom buikt capture pages, again it passed the test
It also had to have traffic packages that, as defined by the 21 steps economics of traffic, would be profitable either through cuztomers buying them, but who were not interested in MOBE for their own reasons, or who did buy and became a customer of MOBE
Again, Worldprofit passed the test with flying xolours and from the marketing,tracking and optins i have seen, has proved to be a vood business decision, as it allows me to work ON my business, not iN my business.
It gives me time freedom
Worldprofit also pays out generous commissions, to the dealers, as consultants are called on the same day as MOBE and like MOBE is one of the few marketing systems I have seen or used which pays out sales on the back end, not just upfront as so many do
Now if your reading this post and it resonates with you for different reasons as I'm sure it will and you want to find out more about how it can benefit your EXISTING business, then go to the tab at the top called FREE video and claim yours
Alternatively, you might prefer to attend an event in a town near you,where you can get your questions answered, that being the case simply click on the IMF tab and choose location neR to you.
So that is why I chose Worldprofit to promote MOBE